Resources and Links

  • Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency

    CISA is the lead federal agency that works to protect and mitigate threats to our cyber and physical infrastructures nationwide.

    The CISA website offers cyber security best practices, trainings that involve cybersecurity and critical infrastructure, the national emergency communications plan, and other useful resources.

  • Federal Emergency Management Agency

    FEMA has the mission of helping people before, during, and after disasters.

    The FEMA website offers useful information and tools that can benefit local and state emergency managers, such as federal grant information, community lifelines information, preparedness toolkits, different trainings, free publications, and other resources.

  • provides the public and first responders with helpful information to help them prepare for and respond to different disasters and emergencies.

    The website provides an assortment of different publications, online toolkits, customizable emergency plans for your household or workplace, and other helpful resources.

  • Homeland Security Information Network

    The HSIN is the Department of Homeland Security’s official system of sharing unclassified sensitive information between federal, state, local, tribal, and private sector partners.

    The HSIN website provides you with the opportunity to create a secure account to enter into the database if approved by the DHS. Click on the link below to learn more about how to join the HSIN and what it has to offer.

  • Indiana Department of Homeland Security

    IDHS leads Indiana’s emergency planning, operations, and first responder training.

    The IDHS website hosts the state contact list for each county and district, the Indiana public safety job board, links to training and exercises related to emergency management, and access to grant information.

  • Indiana Office of Technology

    IOT establishes standards for the technology infrastructure within the state. IOT will be the primary responder from the state in response to cyberattacks within the state.

    The IOT website offers IT support through chat and other options. Local governments can also request different services from IOT through their website, such as free cybersecurity training and assessments.

  • National Weather Service

    The NWS provides forecasts and weather updates for the entire country.

    On the NWS website, you can see the weather forecast and radar for your area by placing your zip code or city in the search bar. You can also find weather safety messages and publications that can be disseminated to the public to raise weather awareness.

  • Storm Prediction Center

    The SPC forecasts the risks of severe thunderstorms and tornadoes within the United States. They issue convective outlooks, watches, and warnings.

    The SPC website will show you the current risks of thunderstorms, tornadoes, and other weather hazards within the nation. You can also find past weather events, historic major tornadoes, and other weather-related research on the site.

  • International Association of Emergency Managers

    IAEM is an international non-profit organization that promotes the "Principles of Emergency Management" and represents all emergency management professionals around the world.

    The IAEM website provides information on events and trainings offered by IAEM, application information in regards to the AEM and CEM certifications, and other resources for emergency managers.

  • All-Hazards Incident Management Teams Association

    AHIMTA is a non-profit association with the purpose of promoting, supporting, and enhancing incident management through establishing standards and promoting cooperation in all stages of incident management.

    The AHIMTA website offers different trainings and webinars in reference to incident management and the steps to develop an All-Hazard Incident Management Team for your jurisdiction.