EMAI Committees

Conference Committee - Oversees the planning for the annual conference. The committee is also in charge of naming a theme, selecting keynote speakers, breakout session speakers, recruiting vendors and exhibitors, and the overall hospitality for the conference.

Legislative Committee - Observes the different types of legislatures that are being introduced to the state legislature that may have involvement with emergency management. The committee works with the Indiana Department of Homeland Security to help draft legislation that may benefit or improve emergency management in the future.

Public Affairs Committee - Oversees the development and upkeep of the EMAI website and social media pages. This committee helps keep members up-to-date with important information and news from internal and external partners.

Training & Education Committee- Informs membership on upcoming trainings relevant to emergency management, helps develop new training when needed, and liaisons with IDHS training staff.

Membership Committee- Brings in new members to EMAI, helps keep current members informed of EMAI happenings.

Committee Chairs

Legislative Committee: Carlos Garcia and Duane Davis

Public Affairs: Amy Lindsey

Training and Education: Chuck Kemker

Bylaws Committee: Martin Webb

Membership Committee: Susan Armstrong

Are you interested in joining one or more of these committees?

We’d love your help! Please share your interest with us at EMAllianceIN@gmail.com or click the icon below to contact the committee chair.